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Hi everyone, Valentine's Day flowers is for sale now.

You would find no better bargain online

for your valentine's day bouquets!

We provide customisations that is you decides how many flowers you want

and what type of layout you want us to help you to deliever that speical

bouquet to that special person.

Please place your order ASAP.

There may be a mass meetup for collection in town (depending on response)

For enquiry or purchase, please email to rosy.paradise@gmail.com.

Happy Valentine's Day.

Rosy Paradise
Icons source: TNJBC

1. Layout: Mmm Papi
2. Browser: Compatible with all Browsers (MFF, IE, Netscape)
3. Icons source: The Non-Judging Breakfast Club
4. Designer's Portfolio: DayBefore!Misery
5. Hits: Code for Blog Hits